10. joulu, 2019

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Mielipidekirjoituksia on julkaistu mm research gate sivuilla https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marke_Hongisto

esimerkiksi Pikkuparlamentissa pidetty esitelmä rannikkoalueiden meteorologian merkityksestä ydinvoimalan käytön aikaisten päästöjen leviämiseen


Mallinnusseminaariesitelmistä mm. Ruokaa vai Bensaa esitys on julkaistu sivuilla


Muita on verkossa, niitä löytyy mm. googlettamalla esityksen nimi, jos linkki ei toimi.

A1 Articles in scientific papers and reviewed monographs


Hongisto M. The FMI emission inventory and source-receptor calculations across the Finnish Eastern border. 2015




Vesistöihin biotuotetehtaista ja muusta teollisuudesta päätyvän sulfaattikuorman arviointi suhteessa ilmakuormaan. vuoden 2015 mallitusseminaari, 1.4.2015 Luke, teema biotalous ja vesi.


Alustus keskusteluun energiapolitiikasta ja uusiutuvien energiantuotantomenetelmien potentiaalista.  MAL Energia-ilta 24.3.2015, energiapaneeli. Helen.

Mistä energiaa 2050. MAL-lehti 1/2015 pp. 12-16


Vanhoja julkaisuja

A1. Hongisto M., 2014. Impact of the emissions of the international sea traffic on the airborne deposition to the Baltic Sea and concentrations at the coastline. Oceanologia, 56 (2-TI), 2014. pp. 1-24, doi:10.5697 /oc.56-1.141. http://www.iopan.gda.pl/oceanologia/562hongi.pdf

A2. Raudsepp U., Laanemets J., Maljutenko I., Hongisto M., Jalkanen J-P. 2013. An evaluation of the ship-born nitrogen deposition impact on the Gulf of Finland ecosystem: an evaluation. Oceanologia 55 (4), 2013.  pp. 837–857. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00783234/55

A3. Hongisto M., 2012. Origin and possible effects of episodic nutrient deposition events over the Baltic Sea. IJEP, Int. J. Environment and Pollution, Vol. 50, Nos. 1/2/3/4, 2012. pp. 293-307


A4. Hongisto M., 2011. Variability of the marine boundary layer parameters over the Baltic Sea sub-basins and their impact on the nitrogen deposition.  Oceanologia, 53 (1-T1) pp. 391-413


A5. Nevalainen S., Lindgren M., Pouttu A., Heinonen J., Hongisto M. and Neuvonen S.,2009. Extensive tree health monitoring networks are useful in revealing the impacts of widespread biotic damage in boreal forests. Environ Monit Assess DOI 10.1007/s10661-009-1100-9


A6. Hongisto M., 2005. Uncertainties in the meteorological input of the Chemistry-Transport Models
and some examples of their consequences.  Int. J. Environment and Pollution, Vol. 24, Nos 1/2/3/4, p. 127-153. http://inderscience.metapress.com/content/9xt1hgt9mjy30et4/

A7. Hongisto, M. and Joffre, S. 2005. 6-year simulations of dispersion of acid contaminants over Fennoscandia and Baltic Sea area. Boreal Environment Research Vol. 10, No.1, p.1-17.


A8. Tervahattu H., Hongisto M., Aarnio P., Kupiainen K. and Sillanpää M., 2004. Identification of trans-border particle pollutant episode in Finland. Boreal Environment Research No. 4, p.335-346


A9. Hongisto M. & Sofiev M., 2003. Long-Range Transport of Dust to the Baltic Sea Region. International Journal of Environment and Pollution 2004 - Vol. 22, No.1/2  pp. 72 – 86

http://download.springer.com/static/pdf/247/chp%253A10.1007%252F978-3-540-24588-9_34.pdf?auth66=1425397103_11eddb0f8fb16e27ac4467cea70565dc&ext=.pdf old

http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-540-24588-9_34#page-1 new 18Mar2015

A10. Sofiev, M. Kaasik, M., Hongisto,M., 2003. Model simulations of the alkaline dust distribution from Estonian sources over the Baltic Sea basin. Short title: Alkaline dust over the Baltic.

Water, Air and Soil Pollution 146: 211-223, 2003. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

http://download.springer.com/static/pdf/554/art%253A10.1023%252FA%253A1023904501653.pdf?auth66=1425397488_baf82b20953418ed183fbe8ee8fbf13f&ext=.pdf old

http://download.springer.com/static/pdf/554/art%253A10.1023%252FA%253A1023904501653.pdf?auth66=1426685668_4580dac59762f010e2f169278a3363a3&ext=.pdf  new 18Mar2015

A11.Hongisto, M., 2003. Hilatar, a limited area simulation model for acid contaminants. Part I. Model description and verification. Atmospheric Environment 37/11 pp. 1535-1547


A12. Hongisto, M., Sofiev, M. and Joffre S., 2003. Hilatar, a limited area simulation model for acid contaminants.  Part II. Long-term simulations results. Atmospheric Environment 37/11 pp. 1549-1560


A13. Yakhnin, E.Y., Goltsova, N.I., Tomlina, O.V., Kaasik, M., Sõukand., Ü., Hongisto, M., 2002. Atmospheric deposition in the north-eastern areas of Estonia and in the west of Leningrad district (from the data on snow cover). Ecological Chemistry”, S.Petersburg, 2002, volume 11, number 3 , p.145-156.


Э.Я.Яхнин,Н.И.Гольцова, О.В.Томилина, М. Каасик, Ю.Сыуканд, М.Хонгисто

Журнал Экологической Химии, 2002, т. 11, вып. 3, стр. 145-156.

published in Russian, resume is in English.


A14. Sofiev M. G. Petersen, O. Krüger, B. Schneider, M. Hongisto and K. Jylha, 2001. Model simulations of the atmospheric trace metals, concentrations and depositions over the Baltic Sea. Atmospheric Environment 35 (2001) 1395-1409. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/13522310/35/8

http://ac.els-cdn.com/S1352231000003745/1-s2.0-S1352231000003745-main.pdf?_tid=33ed8e7a-c250-11e4-882b-00000aacb35e&acdnat=1425461225_338a7e19b400a9d7586bdb8695f96ee7 old

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231000003745  18Mar2015



A15. Poikolainen J., Lippo H., Hongisto M., Kubin E. & Mikkola K., 1998.  On the abundance of epiphytic green algae in relation to the nitrogen concentrations of biomonitors and nitrogen deposition in Finland. Environmental Pollution 102, S1, 85-92.




A16. M.Schulz1, H. Cachier2, R. Ebinghaus5, M. Ferm3, M. Hongisto4, A. Iverfeldt3, K. Jylha4, O. Krueger5,
J. Kusmierczyk-Michulec6, G. de Leeuw7, R. Marks6, M. Moermann7, J. Munthe3, A. Nadstazik8,
S. Ruellan2, G. Petersen5, E. Plate1, V. Ulevicius9, B. Schneider10, S. Schmolke5, D. Sopauskiene9

, 1999. Evolution of the aerosol composition in the BASYS Network study and Lagrangian experiments in summer 1997 and winter 1998. J. Aerosol. Sci. Vol. 30, Suppl 1., pp. S97-S98

1Institut für Anorganische und Angewandte Chemie, Universität Hamburg, D, 2CFR, Gif-Sur-Yvette/F, 3IVL, Gothanbourg/S, 4FMI, Helsinki/F, 5GKSS, Geesthacht/D, 6IO-PAS, Sopot/PL, 7TNO, Den Hague/NL, 8UG-IO, Gdansk/PL, 9IPV, Vilnius/LIT, 10IOW, Warnemuende/D


Tamsalu R., Zakharov V., Zalesny V., Rööm R., Kuosa H., Hongisto M., Kabatchenko I., Ansper I., Zaslavskii M., Männik A., Aps R., Luhamaa A., 2005. Atmosphere-Sea-Hydrodynamic-Ecological modelling in the Baltic Sea. Submitted to the Journal Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 34 p.

A2 Review articles (paljon)

A3 Part of book or reports and monographs

add: http://lib.tkk.fi/Diss/2003/isbn9512264811/article3.pdf

A17. Hongisto M., 2003. Modelling of the transport of nitrogen and sulphur contaminants to the Baltic Sea Region. FMI Contributions No- 40, Helsinki 2003, 188 p.


A18. Tervahattu H., Hongisto M., Kupiainen K., Aarnio P., Sillanpää M., Saarikoski S., 2002. Hiukkasten kaukokulkeuma syyskuussa 2001. Pääkaupunkiseudun julkaisusarja C 2002:7. Pääkaupunkiseudun yhteistyövaltuuskunta YTV, Helsinki, 29 p.


A19. Zlatev Z., Bergströn R., Brandt J., Hongisto M., Jonson J.E., Lagner J. and Sofiev M., 2001.  Studying sensitivity of air pollution levels caused by variations of different key parameters. TemaNord 2001:569. Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen 2001. 47 p.


A20. Hongisto, M., 1998. hilatar, a regional scale grid model for the transport of sulphur and nitrogen compounds. FMI Contributions no 21, Helsinki 1998, 152 p.

A21. Hongisto M., 1997. Nitrogen deposition to the Baltic Sea. Simulation results with the model HILATAR. in Pacyna J.M., Broman D. and Lipiatou E. (ed's) Sea-Air exchange, processes and modelling. European Commission - DG12 - MAST: EUR 17660 EN, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications for the European Communities, p. 247-256

A22. Hongisto M. and Joffre S., 1997. Transport modelling over sea areas. In Ebel A., Friedrich R. and Rodhe H., (ed's). Transport and chemical transformation of pollutants in the troposphere, Vol. 7, Tropospheric modelling and emission estimation, chemical transport and emission modelling on regional, global and urban scales. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1997, p.52-58.

A23. Hongisto, M., 1993. A simulation model for the transport, transformation and deposition of oxidized nitrogen compounds in Finland.  Technical description of the model.  Finnish Meteorol. Inst. Air quality publications No. 14, Helsinki, 55 p.

A24. Hongisto, M., 1992. A simulation model for the transport, transformation and deposition of oxidized nitrogen compounds in Finland. 1985 and 1988 simulation results.  Finnish Meteorol. Inst. Contributions No. 9, Helsinki, 114 p.

A25. Hongisto M. and Wallin M., 1990. Evaluation of Finnish Sulphur Reduction Strategies for the year 1995. In Kauppi P., Anttila P. and Kenttämies K., (ed’s). Acidification in Finland. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg p. 1195-1208.

A26. Suomen energiatalouden pitkän aikavälin mallijärjestelmä. Kauppa- ja Teollisuusministeriö Energiaosasto Teknillinen korkeakoulu sarja D:44, Helsinki 1983. Valtion painatuskeskus, 82 p. Tutkimusryhmän vastuullinen johtaja prof. Jorma Routti, kirjoittajat Hongisto M, Kuikka T. ja Myllyvirta J. (TKK) sekä Pirilä P., (VTT)

A27. Hongisto M., 1985. Pitkän tähtäimen energiataloudellisia tarkasteluja Kansallisen energiantuotanto-systeemin optimointimallilla. Teknillinen korkeakoulu, teknillisen fysiikan osasto, lisensiaattityö. 125 s.

A28. Mannonen M., (tyttönimi) 1982. KETO-82, Kansallisen energiatalouden optimointimalli, käyttöopas. Teknillinen korkeakoulu, teknillisen fysiikan osasto, Raportti TKK-F-A496 (1982)

A29. Reinikainen M. (edellinen sukunimi), 1981. Suomen energiatalouden monitavoitteinen optimointimalli, diplomityö, Teknillinen Korkeakoulu. 104 s.

A30. Reinikainen M. (edellinen sukunimi), 1978. Zur Gűltichkeit der Wasseranalogie bei Stosswellen in einer eindimensionalen Gasströmung. Gruppe Dynamik, Eidgenössishes Institut fur Reaktorforschung-Wurenlingen, Schweiz. Report TM-ST-560, 35 p.

A4 Conference publications, reports in FMI series

B1. Hongisto M., 2014. The FMI emission inventory and source-receptor calculations at the Finnish Eastern border. Extended abstract, published in the proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Harmonization within Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling for Regulatory Purposes, 8-11. September, Varna Bulgaria. 5 p.


B2. Hongisto M., 2013. Impact of the emissions of the international sea traffic on the airborne deposition to the Baltic Sea and concentrations at the coastline. In ReckermannM. and Köppen S., (ed). 7th Study Conference on BALTEX, Borgholm, Sweden, 10-14.June 2013


B3. Hongisto M., 2012. Comparison of acid chemistry and photochemical model results with measurement data. Proceedings of the Air Quality – Science and Application Conference, Athens, Greece, 19-23 March 2012. 4 p.

B4. Hongisto M., 2012. Long-term monitoring and modeling of sulphur and nitrogen compounds in Finland. Abstract for The 9th International Symposium on Advanced Environmental Monitoring and Modeling. June 25-28, 2012 Helsinki, Finland. 4 p

B5. Hongisto M. Origin and possible effects of episodic nutrient deposition events over the Baltic Sea. 5 p extended abstract H14-242 to the 14th International Conference on Harmonization within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Kos Island, Greece 2-6 October 2011, http://www.harmo.org/conferences/Proceedings/_Kos/publishedSections/H14-242.pdf text



B6. Hongisto M., 2010. Variability of the marine boundary layer parameters over the Baltic Sea sub-basins in HIRLAM parameterizations since 1993 and their impact on the nitrogen deposition, In: Reckermann M and Isemer H-J. (ed’s.) Proceedings of the 6th Study Conference on BALTEX14 - 18 June 2010, Międzyzdroje, Island of Wolin, Poland. p 99.

B7. Stipa T., Jalkanen J-P., Hongisto M., Kalli J., and Brink A., 2009. Presentation:  Emissions of NOx and SOx from Baltic shipping and estimates of their effects on air quality and eutrophication in the Baltic Sea . Presentation in WMO:n Committee of Atmospheric Science (CAS) -meeting 16.-25.11.09. Technical conference (TECO).


B8. Hongisto M., 2009. Meteorological and climatological factors affecting deposition of nitrogen to the Baltic Sea. Presentation from the Conference:  Linking Science and Management in the Baltic Sea Ecoregion 9. and 10. September 2009. http://ida.dk/netvaerk/idaforum/U0615a/Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2fnetvaerk%2fidaforum%2fU0615a%2fDocuments%2fLinking%20Science%20and%20Management%20in%20the%20Baltic%20Ecoregion%2fPresentations&FolderCTID=&View=%7bAFA39D30%2d710E%2d4DF7%2d99CA%2d3B19F631A9E3%7d

B9. Hongisto M., 2009. Impact of the International Sea traffic to the Nitrogen deposition of the Baltic Sea. Proceedings of Short Papers of the 7th International Conference on Air Quality, Science and Application, Istanbul, 24-27 March 2009. Editors Xavier Vazhappilly Francis, Ravindra Khaiwal, Charles Chemel, Jane Newbold, Selahattin Incecik, Ceyhan Kahya and Ranjeet S Sokhi. University of Hertfordshire, UK; Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, pp.343-346

B10. Hongisto M., 2008. Model studies on nitrogen and sulphur transport and deposition since 1993

 in the Baltic Sea surroundings. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on harmonization within atmospheric dispersion modelling for regulatory purposes, Croatian meteorological journal Vol. 43, H12-116, pp.608-612. http://www.harmo.org/conferences/Proceedings/_Cavtat/publishedSections/O_P6-08.pdf


B11. Tamsalu R., Rööm R., Männik A., Luhamaa A., Aps R., Ansper I., Hongisto M., Kuosa H., Kabatchenko I., Zaslavskii M., Zalesny V., 2005. Atmosphere-Sea Hydrodynamic-Ecological Modelling in the Baltic Sea. Proceedings of the 8th International Environmental Modelling Seminar, IMEMS 2005. SINTEF, p. 11

B12. Hongisto M., 2005. Mesoscale modelling over areas containing heat islands. in Skoudolis A.N., Kassomenos P. and Bartzis J., (ed’s). Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on harmonization within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, p. 62-66.

B13. Hongisto M., 2005. Air pollution, episodes and extreme weather events. in Hunova Iva, (ed.-in-chiev) Acid Rain 2005, 7th International Conference on Acid Deposition, Prague, Czech Republic, June 12-17, 2005, conference abstracts, p.50.

B14. Hongisto M., 2004. Three-dimensional Chemistry-Transport Modelling. Uncertainties connected to the meteorological input. Proceeding of the 9th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, 1–4 June 2004, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Vol. 2. pp. 260–264.

B15. Sergej Ovsienko 1), Rein Tamsalu2), Vladimir Zalesny3) , Hongisto M.4) , 2004.

Air-Sea Hydrodynamic-Oil Spill Modeling System.

Abstract for the US-Baltic International Symposium 15-17 June 2004 in Klaipeda Lithuania

1) State Oceanographic Institute (SOI), Moscow,  2) Estonian Marine Institute (EMI), Tartu University

3) Institute of Numerical Mathemathics RAS (INM), Moscow, 4) Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helsinki


B16. Hongisto M., 2003. Modelling of chemical transport and transportation of air pollutants in the Baltic Sea Region. Uncertainties connected to the meteorological input. Baltic HIRLAM Workshop, St. Petersburg, 17-20.11.2003,  http://netfam.fmi.fi/ p. 94-99

(presentation slides 52 p. removed  )

B17. Hongisto, M. 2004. Modelling of chemical transport and transportation of air pollutants: uncertainties connected to the meteorological input. In: Proceeding of Baltic HIRLAM Workshop, St.Petersburg, 17-20 Nov 2003. HIRLAM publications, SMHI Norrkoping, Sweden, pp. 94-99.


B18. Hongisto M., 2003. On the significance of the atmospheric deposition to the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea.  In Patania F. & Brebbia C.A. (ed’s). 11th International conference on modelling, monitoring and management of air pollution. The Wessex Institute of Technology, Wit Press, Southampton, Boston. pp. 359-369. http://www.witpress.com/contents/c9828.pdf

B19. Hongisto M. & Sofiev M., 2004. Long-Range Transport of Dust to the Baltic Sea Region. in Lirkov I., Margenow S., Wasniewski J. and Yalamov P., ed’s. Large Scale Scientific Computing. Proceedings of the 4th Internatinal Conference , LSSC 2003, Sozopol, Bulgaria. Goos G., Hartmanis J and van Leeuwen J., (ed’s) Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2907. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 303-311

B20. Hongisto M., 2002. Nitrogen flux to the Baltic Sea: Uncertainties and significance to eutrophication. In: Isemer H-J. (ed’). Proceedings of the workshop Eutrophication and pollution in the Baltic Sea Basin. A workshop prior to the 13th Meeting of the BALTEX Science Steering group meeting, Estonian Business School – Centre for Baltic Studies, Tallinn, Estonia, 17 June 2002.

B21. Hongisto M., Sofiev M., 2001. Representativeness of the coastal measurements for the open sea – experience of the model applications in the Baltic region. A contribution to the subproject CAPMAN. In P.M. Midgley, M. Reuther and M. Williams (Eds.) Proceedings from the EUROTRAC-2 Symposium 2000. Springler-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg 2001, 5 p. 486-490

B22. Schulz, M. and M. Hongisto, 1998. Improving the Atmospheric Nitrogen Load Assessment for the Baltic Sea. BASYS Newsletter Number 9, November 1998 p. 28-36.


 B23. Hongisto, M., G. Petersen, O. Krüger, K. Jylha and M. Sofiev, 1999. Capacity to predict atmospheric inputs by models. Ext. Abstract in Zuelicke C., (ed.) Proc. of the Third BASYS Annual Sci. Conf. 20-22. Sept,  pp. 136-147. http://www.io-warnemuende.de/Projects/Basys/bio/con3/con3top.htm#T3-5

B24. Hongisto, M., O. Krüger, M. Sofiev, K. Jylhä and G. Petersen, 1999. Nesting simulations of the heavy metal distribution over the Baltic Sea region. in Zuelicke C., (ed.) Proc. of the Third BASYS Annual Sci. Conf. p. 70-71/87.

B25. Plate, E., M. Schulz, M. Ferm, M. Hongisto, K. Jylha and M. Sofiev, 1999. Variation of nitrogen aerosols in Baltic Sea regions - A comparison of modelled and measured data. Proc. of the Third BASYS Annual Sci. Conf. p. 70.

B26. Schneider, B., I. Wangberg, J. Munthe, A. Iverfeldt, G. Petersen, O. Krüger, S. Schmolke, R. Ebinghaus, D. Czeburnis, M. Hongisto and M. Sofiev, 1999. Coast-to-basin gradients of atmospheric trace element fluxes. Ext. Abstract in Zuelicke C., (ed.) Proc. of the Third BASYS Annual Sci. Conf. 20-22. Sept, pp. 105-108. http://www.io-warnemuende.de/Projects/Basys/bio/con3/con3top.htm#T2-12

B27. Schulz, M., M. Ferm, M. Hongisto, K. Jylha, G. Leeuw, Marks R., Plate E., Tamm S., Sopauskiene D and Ulevicius V., 1999. Atmospheric nitrogen input to the Baltic Sea. in Zuelicke C., (ed.) Proc. of the Third BASYS Annual Sci. Conf. p. 60-67.


B28. Hongisto, M., K. Jylha and M. Sofiev, 1999. Long-term and episodic simulation studies of Nitrogen compounds to the Baltic Sea. in Zuelicke C., (ed.) Proc. of the Third BASYS Annual Sci. Conf. p. 68.

B29. Hongisto M., Jylhä K. and Flyktman V., 1998. Preliminary simulations of the BASYS Lagrange periods with the HILATAR model. In: Gryning S.-E. & Batchvarova E. (ed.) Air Pollution Modelling and its Application XIII, Proceedings of the 23rd NATO CCMS International Technical Meeting, September 28 - October 2, 1998, Riviera Holiday Club, Varna, Bulgaria. NATO – challenges of modern society Vol 24. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers New York, p. 195-204.

B30. Hongisto M., Jylhä K. and Flyktman V., 1998. Preliminary simulations of the BASYS Lagrange periods with the HILATAR model. 2-year progress report (01.08.1996-31.07.1998) of FMI for the BASYS project http://www.io-warnemuende.de/Projects/Basys/reports/pro2year/en_home.htm

B31. Hongisto M., Jylhä K., and Joffre S., 1998. Simulations of the Basys 5 Network/Lagrange periods with the HILATAR model. Proc. of the Second BASYS Annual Sci. Conf., Appendix A.5.11


B32. Schulz M., Plate E., Tamm S., Stahlschmidt T., Rebers A. (IAUH), Schneider B., Lakaschus S.,   Petersohn I., Kubsch H. (IOW); Iverfeldt A., Ferm M., Munthe J., Brorstroem-Lunden E., Schager P., Wangberg I., (IVL), Schmolke S., Ebinghaus R., Kock H.H., Otten S., (GKSS-C), Sopauskiene D., Ulevicius V., Stapcinskaite S., Juozaitis A., Ceburnis D., Zukiene S., Urba A., (IPV), Marks R.,  Kuœmierczyk-Michulec J., Kruczalak K., Michulec C., Sokólski M., (IO-PAS), Nadstazik A.,. Dudziñska, B., Modzelewska M., Bedowski J., (IOPAS/UG), Savolainen V., Hongisto M., Joffre S., (FMI), 1997. 1-year progress report (01.08.1996-31.07.1997) Scientific report, Appendix A: Documentation, Subproject 5: Atmospheric Load.


B33. Hongisto, M., Savolainen V. and Joffre S., 1997. Numerical simulation of atmospheric load. Proc. of the First BASYS Annual Sci. Conf. 29.9-1.10, 1997 Warnemunde, Germany. IOW Warnemunde p. 17


B34. Hongisto M., Kangas L., Nordlund G., Markkanen K., Häkkinen A.,J., Kartastenpää R.,and Kivivasara J., 1995. Model calculations of the influence on Finland of air pollution sources in the areas of St. Petersburg, Leningrad Oblast Karelia and Estonia. Anttila P., Kämäri J., Tolvanen M., (ed´s) in Proc. of the 10th World Clear Air Congress, Espoo, Finland, Vol 2, 306. The Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society, 1995.

B35. Häkkinen A.J., Markkanen K., Hongisto M., Kartastenpää R., Milayaev V.B., Yasensky A., Kuznetsov V.I., Kopp I.Z. and Kivivasara J., 1995. Emissions in St. Petersburg, the Leningrad area and Karelia. In: Tolvanen M., Anttila P., Kämäri J. (Eds). Proc. of the 10th World Clear Air Congress, Espoo, Finland, Vol 1, 103. The Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society, 1995.

B36. Lindfors V., Laurila T., Hongisto M., 1995. Estimation of hydrocarbon emissions from forests in Finland. Tolvanen M., Anttila P., Kämäri J., (ed´s) in Proc. of the 10 th World Clear Air Congress, Espoo, Finland, Vol 1, 104. The Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society, 1995.

B37. Hongisto M., 1994. HILATAR and FINOX, 3-dimensional grid models for regional air pollutant dispersion studies.  In Nielsen C.,J. (ed.), Third Nordic symposium on atmospheric chemistry, Proceedings of NORSAC ‘93, NILU OR 20/94 p. 164-169.

B38. Hongisto M., 1993. Regional air pollution modelling in Finland.  Extended abstracts of papers presented at the WMO region VI conference on the measurement and modelling of atmospheric composition changes including pollution transport, Sofia, Bulgaria, 4-8 October 1993. WMO Global atmospheric watch No. 91, WMO/TD-NO. 563, p.149-152.

B39. Hongisto M., 1992. Statistical methods in modelling the concentration and deposition levels of NOx pollutants over Southern and Central Finland. in Conference on Environmetrics in Finland, Abstracts of the 4th International Conference on Statistical Methods for the Environmental Sciences, August 17 to 21, 1992, helsinki University of Technology, Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland. p. 40-41.

B40. Hongisto M., 1992. Meteorological conditions prevailing during 1991 sulphur pollution episodes in Northern Fennoscandia. In Tikkanen E., Varmola M., Katermaa T., (editors): Symposium of the state of the environment and environmental monitoring in Northern Fennoscandia and the Kola Peninsula, October 6-8, 1992, Rovaniemi. Exteeding abstracts, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Lapin Painotuote OY, Kemijärvi 1992. p. 28-30.

B41. Hongisto M., Joffre S., 1991. The influence of long-term synoptical and climatic indexes on air pollution fields in Northern Europe. Extended abstract, 6 p. (kysy Sylvainilta kuka oli ko. kokouksessa

B42. Hongisto M., 1990. Simulation of Transport and transformation of nitrogen compounds in Finland. in Kulmala M. & Kukkonen J., (ed’s). Workshop on the atmospheric chemistry and physics. 15th Anniversary Symposium on the Prevention of Air Pollution, Lappeenranta, Finland, August 21-22, 1990. Lappeenrata University of Technology, Department of Energy Technology, Report EN D-19, p. 49-54.

B43. Hongisto M., 1989. An Eulerian transport model for NOx compounds. Extended abstract in the Nordic Symposium on Atmospheric Chemistry, Silja Line Ferry between Stockholm – Helsinki - Stockholm, 6-8 December, 1989, 4 p.

B44. Hongisto M., 1989. Modelling the influence of meteorological and other factors on the chemistry of oxidized nitrogen compounds.  In: Restelli, G. & Angeletti, G. (eds.) Physico‑chemical behaviour of atmospheric pollutants, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands 1990, p. 588-593.

B45. Tuovinen J.P., Hongisto M. and Nordlund G., 1989. Modelling of regional transport, transformation and deposition of oxidized nitrogen compounds. In L.J.Brasser and Mulde W.C., Man and his Ecosystem. Proceedings of the 8th World Clean Air Congress, The Hague, the Netherlands, 11-15 September. Volume 3. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam. p. 221-226

B Non peer-reviewed scientific articles

B1 Article

C1. Hongisto M., 2010. On the Closing of the Scientific Library of the Finnish Meteorological Institute.  Information for Social Change Summer 2010 Special Issue ISC 30 - Information Ethics, Editor: Mikael Böök. http://libr.org/isc/toc.html. 12 p.

C2. Pihlström M., Myllyvirta T., Hongisto M., Goltsova N. and Ekholm P., 2003. Air Pollution and Bioindication responses in Leningrad Region. Ilmansuojelu 2/2003, Magazine of the Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society, Air pollution Issues in Foreign Countries, p. 32-39.

C3. Hongisto M., 2002. Ilmakehän ja ilmansaasteiden matemaattinen mallitus. Magazine of the Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society, Ilmansuojelu 4/2002, Ilmansuojeluyhdistys ry:n jäsenlehti Vammalan kirjapaino OY, p.33-37.

C4. Hongisto M.. The role of Air-Sea exchange and Nitrogen feedback to climate.

Ilmastojärjestelmän mallitus–seminaari, 16.12. klo 9-17 Säätalo.  43 p.

Julkaistaan Heikki Järvisen mukaan laitoksen Cosmos-projektin www-sivuilla lähiaikoina

C5. Hongisto M., 2002. Ilmakehän ja ilmansaasteiden matemaattinen mallitus. Magazine of the Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society, Ilmansuojelu 4/2002, Ilmansuojeluyhdistys ry:n jäsenlehti Vammalan kirjapaino OY, p.33-37.

C6. Hongisto M., 2001. Ilman laatu elokuun myrskyjen aikana: kaukokulkeumatilanteiden operatiivinen tarkkailu.. Magazine of the Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society, Ilmansuojelu 4/2001, Eiriprint, Jarkoskuva Oy, Helsinki. p. 19-26

C7. Hongisto M., 1999. Ilmakehän koostumus muuttumassa. Tietoyhteys 5/1999. CSC Tieteellinen laskenta p. 16-17.

C8., Hongisto M., 1997. Typpilaskeuma ruokkii Itämeren leväkukintoja. Magazine of the Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society, Ilmansuojelu 4, 1997 p. 6-13

C9. Hongisto M., 1996. Venäjän rajanläheisten päästöjen merkitys Suomessa. Magazine of the Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society, Ilmansuojelu-uutiset 3/96. p. 8-12.

C10. Hongisto M., 1994. Ilmatieteen laitoksen ilmanlaatuosaston aluemallit. Magazine of the Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society, Ilmansuojelu-uutiset 2/94 p. 27-29

C11. Hongisto M., 1992. The modelling of oxide pollutants: Finland. Ilmansuojelu-uutiset 5/1992, Finnish Air-Pollution (FAPP) News 5/1992, Magazine of the Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society, p. 20-24.

B2 Conference publications or presentations, Finland, and publications in FMI  series

B46. Hongisto M., 2014. Impact of the emissions of the international sea traffic and the sulphur directive on the airborne deposition to the Baltic Sea. Mallinnusseminaari 2014, Uudet mallitekniikat ja sovellutukset. SYKE. http://mallinnusseminaari.geoinformatics.fi/2014/Hongisto.pdf

B47. Hongisto M,, 2012. Mallien tiedonvaihtotarpeet kansallisella tasolla. Johdatus loppukeskusteluun, 10’s kansallinen malliseminaari 2.2.2012, Dynamicum, IL, Kumpula 12 p.


B48. Hongisto M., 2011. Variability of airborne nitrogen load to the Baltic Sea, Simulations with the Hilatar model. FMI and SYKE Marine Modelling Seminar, Tuesday 13.9.2011, Auditorium, SYKE, Mechelininkatu 34a

B49. Hongisto M., 2011. Presentations on the HILATAR modeling system.

The joint UHel, FMI and University of Kuopio atmospheric modeling workshop; Aura, Dynamicum. Monday the 28th of February 2011

B50. Hongisto M., 2011. Tieteellisen kirjaston lakkauttamisesta ja sen vaikutuksista tutkijan työlle.

Suomen Tieteellinen Kirjastoseura, Esikoiskirjastotyöryhmä, Erikoiskirjastot turbulenssissa - erikoiskirjastopäivä 2011 –seminaari Torstai 20.1.2011. 43 sivua. http://www.stks.fi/asiakirjat/koulutustenmateriaalit/materiaalit-erikoiskirj

B51. Hongisto M., 2011. Tieteellisen kirjaston lakkauttamisesta ja sen vaikutuksista tutkijan työlle
Suomen Tieteellisten seurojen kirjastojen Valtakunnalliset Kaukopalvelupäivät 11-12.5.2011, Turun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu, Rehtorinpellonkatu 3, 20500 Turku. http://www.stks.fi/asiakirjat/koulutustenmateriaalit/materiaalit-kaukopalvelu

B52. Hongisto M., 2011. Ilmakehän epäpuhtauksien kulkeutumisen mallinnus. 9. kansallinen malliseminaari 3.2.2011, järj. prof Ari Jolma, Aalto-yliopisto, Lahti, Niemenkadun yliopistokampus.

B53. Hongisto M., 2010. Ruokaa vai bensaa, reunahuomautuksia ilmastonmuutoskeskusteluun. Helsingin yliopisto, maataloustieteiden laitos, 8. Kansallinen mallinnusseminaari 8.2.2010 Viikki



B54. Hongisto, M., 2009. The effect of ship traffic on the Nutrient load over the Baltic Sea . XXIV Geofysiikan Päivät 13.-14.5.2009 Helsinki. http://pro.tsv.fi/geofysiikanseura/pdf/GFP2009_kirja.pdf p.26

B55. Hongisto M., 1998. BASYS Progress Report, reporting period until 31. July, 1998. FMI contribution, 4 p.

B56. Hongisto M and Jylhä K., 1998. Backward trajectories for stations Hel, Hoburg, Kap Arkona and Preila. BASYS Atmospheric load subproject, Network Study 3.2. – 3.4.1998. FMI Air Quality Research.

B57. Hongisto, M., Jylhä K. and V. Flyktman, 1998. Preliminary Simulations of the BASYS 5 Lagrange Periods with the Hilatar Model. BASYS Two-Year Progress Report, IO Warnemünde, DE

B58. Hongisto, M., 1997. Development of a high-resolution model for the Baltic Sea combined with a large scale European model and its validation’. BASYS One-Year Progress Rep. (IO Warnemünde, DE)

B59. Hongisto M. & Joffre S., 1994. Transport Modelling over Sea Areas. EUROTRAC Annual report 1993, Vol. 5 EUMAC, Fraunhofer Inst., Garmish-Partenkirchen (D), p. 67-72.

B60. Hongisto M., 1993. Grid model for sulphur and nitrogen compounds. Status report of the project. FMI/Air Quality Department, 19 p.

B61. Hongisto M. & Joffre S., 1993. Transport Modelling over Sea Areas. EUROTRAC Annual report 1992, Vol. 5. EUMAC, Fraunhofer Inst., Garmish-Partenkirchen (D), p. 66-70.

B62. Hongisto M. & Valtanen K., 1992. Transport Modelling over Sea Areas. EUROTRAC Annual report 1991, Vol. 5. EUMAC, Fraunhofer Inst., Garmish-Partenkirchen (D), p. 41-46.

B63. Kangas L., Hongisto M., Juntto S., Karppinen A., Laurila T. and Nordlund G., 1991. Analysis of differences between EMEP model calculations and measured data of concentrations and depositions in Finland. Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, 46 p.

B64. Hongisto M., Joffre S., Lindfors V. and Damski J., 1991. Transport Modelling over Sea Areas. EUROTRAC Annual report 1990, Vol. 5. EUMAC, Fraunhofer Inst., Garmish-Partenkirchen (D), p. 25-30.

B65. Hongisto M. & Joffre S., 1990. Transport Modelling over Sea Areas Annual report 1989, Vol. 5 EUMAC, Fraunhofer Inst., Garmish-Partenkirchen (D ) p. 22-27

B66. Hongisto M. and Valtonen K. Rikin ja typen yhdisteiden kaukokulkeutumismallin kehittäminen HIRLAM-sääennustemallin yhteyteen. Ilmatieteen laitos, Ilmanlaatuosasto, Raportteja 1993:1. 49 s.

B67. Hongisto M., Wallin M. ja Kaila J., 1988. Rikkipäästöjen vähentämistoimenpiteiden taloudellisesti tehokas valinta. Ilmatieteen laitos, Ilmanlaatuosasto, Raportteja 1988:4. 80 s.

C2 Edited conference publication:

Vuoden 2012 malliseminaarin aineisto: http://mallinnusseminaari.geoinformatics.fi/2012/

D1 Other professional articles

D1, Hongisto M., 2015. Mistä energiaa vuonna 2050. Mal-lehti 1/2015 ss. 12-16.

D2. Hongisto M., 2014. Hanhikiven YVA ja ydinvoiman ympäristövaikutuksista. Esitelmä luentotilaisuudessa eduskunnan kansalaisinfossa, Helsinki 24.9.2014. 37 s.


D3. Hongisto M., 2014.  Kaivostoiminnasta Suomessa. Mal-lehti 1/2014 pp. 15-21


D4. Hongisto M., 2013. Tulevaisuuskuvia ja ydinvoimaa. MAL-lehti No. 1. Copy-Set Oy, Helsinki,  p. 9-17. www.mal-liitto.fi

D5. Hongisto M., 2004. Tieteellisten työsuoritusten arvottamisesta. Puhuri 1/2004 p.19

D4  Published reports

F1. Jalkanen J-P.,* Hongisto M.* and Brink A.,, 2008. A first-guess estimate of SOx emissions and deposition caused by the ship traffic in the Baltic Sea Area during March 1st 2006 – February 28th 2007. Input paper by the Baltic Sea States to IMO on a need to further address SOx emissions from shipping; background material, 4 p. ISBN: Copyright ShipNOEm and ShipNODep project. ShipnoDeff programme www.shipnodeff.org, 33 p.

*FMI, Åbo Akademi Process Chemistry Centre, Combustion and Materials Chemistry,

F2. Stipa T., Jalkanen J.-P., Hongisto M., Kalli J., Brink A., 2007. Emissions of NOx from Baltic Sea shipping and first estimates of their effects on air quality and eutrophication of the Baltic Sea”, ISBN 978-951-53-3028-4, Helsinki, Finland 2007. Available from


ww-osoite ei toimi 2013 Jan

Permanenta länken (URI): http://hdl.handle.net/10138/1209, 33 p.

F3. Ahti K., Aaltonen K., Hongisto M., Nevvonen L., 2005. Initial progress report. Approved report for the project: Procurement of services for the institutional strengthening in preparation for upgrading of Lithuanian meteorological network 2003 PHARE project No. 2003/004.341/08.02.16.  24 p.

F4. Hongisto M., 2006. A Review of the Lithuanian meteorological and AQ assessment system with respect to EU directive requirements. Approved report for the project: Procurement of services for the institutional strengthening in preparation for upgrading of Lithuanian meteorological network 2003 PHARE project No. 2003/004.341/08.02.16.  46 p.

F5. Hongisto M., 2006. Recommendations for use of a NWP model, specifically HIRLAM, in weather forecasting at the LHMS and in air quality modelling.  Approved report for the project: Procurement of services for the institutional strengthening in preparation for upgrading of Lithuanian meteorological network 2003 PHARE project No. 2003/004.341/08.02.16.  48 p.

F6. Hongisto M., 2006. Requirements of meteorological measurements for regulatory air quality assessment. Approved report for the project: Procurement of services for the institutional strengthening in preparation for upgrading of Lithuanian meteorological network 2003 PHARE project No. 2003/004.341/08.02.16.  28 p.

F7. Ahti K., Aaltonen K., Hongisto M., Nevvonen L., 2006. Final report. Approved report for the project: Procurement of services for the institutional strengthening in preparation for upgrading of Lithuanian meteorological network 2003 PHARE project No. 2003/004.341/08.02.16.  22 p.

F8. Ahti K., Aaltonen K., Hongisto M., Nevvonen L., 2006. Monthly progress reports for the project: Procurement of services for the institutional strengthening in preparation for upgrading of Lithuanian meteorological network 2003 PHARE project No. 2003/004.341/08.02.16.  22 p.

F9. Participant in the 2000/2001 survey: Heavy metals in European Mosses, 2000/2001 survey. Buse A., Norris D., Harmens H., Buker P., Ashenden T and Mills G., (ed’s). UNECE ICP Vegetation*), WGE, Working Group of Effects on the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Centre of Ecology and Hydrology, Natural Environment Research Council, March 2003. 45 p.

*)The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe International Cooperative Programme on Effects of Air Pollution on Natural Vegetation and Crops

F10-12. Hongisto M., Kaasik M., Sõukand Ü., Goltsova N., Jaknin, E.,Tomilina O.,Timonina E., Ploompuu T., Meyer E., Kaasik H., 2002 and Hongisto M., Kaasik M., Sõukand Ü., Meyer E. and Kaasik H., 1999-2000. Annual reports of the research in the project Quantification of alkaline and acidifying deposition loads from Estonian industry. Maj ja Tor Nesslingin säätiö, tutkimushanke No 9194.

F13-15. Hongisto M., 1998-2000. Quarterly reports of the project Zachari Zlatev et al. project Sensitivity analysis of Eulerian models, funded by Nordiska Ministerrådet, Hav och Luftkruppen. Contribution of the Finnish Meteorological Institute FMI

F16-17. Hongisto M., 1999-2000. Annual reports of the project: Measurements and model-based quantification of the atmospheric nutrient input to the Baltic Sea and its role in eutrophication and phytoplankton growth, of Lise Lotte Sørensen  (Risø National Laboratory), et al., funded by Nordiska Ministerrådet, Hav och Luftkruppen. Contribution of the Finnish Meteorological Institute FMI

F18. Hongisto, M., M. Sofiev, K. Jylhä and S. Joffre, 1999. BASYS Sci. Rep.: High resolution numerical simulation of nutrient and trace element deposition to the Baltic. in Zuelicke C., (ed’). Basys Final Report, Appendix A: Documentations (IO Warnemünde, DE)

D5 Study material

F19. Reinikainen M., 1980. Kustannusanalyysi. in Routti J., (ed.) Reaktoritekniikka II, (Lis.kurssi), Ydinjätteet ja niiden loppusijoitus. Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Technical Physics, Report TKK-F-B66 (1981), TKK Offset, Otaniemi. 18 p.

F20. Reinikainen M., 1980. Ydinenergiaohjelmat. in Routti J., (ed.) Ydinenergiatekniikka 10, Ydinenergia-hallinto. Ydintekniikan Lisensiaattikurssi syksyllä 1978,. Helsingin Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Teknillisen Fysiikan osasto, Raportti TKK-F-B62 (1980), TKK Offset, Otaniemi. 31 p.

F21 Reinikainen M., 1977 Uraani- ja rikastustilanne sekä ydinjäte- ja jälleenkäsittelytilanne kevytvesireaktorilla. in Routti J., (ed.) Ydinenergia ja uudet energiavaihtoehdot. Ydintekniikan seminaari keväällä 1977,. Helsingin Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Teknillisen Fysiikan osasto, Raportti TKK-F-B52 (1977), TKK, Otaniemi. 13 p.

Electronic publications

Hongisto M., 2008. Model studies on nitrogen and sulphur deposition and concentrations 2000-2007. in National Review on Physically-based Modelling and Simulation of the Atmosphere and Hydrosphere, Applications of models and model output. 25-26 February 2008. Finnish Meteorological Institute.

Hongisto, 2002a. Model description and on-line results of Hilatar simulations.

In: http://www.fmi.fi/research_air/air_25.html.  (October 2002)

Syyskuun hiukkasepisodi v. 2001. Tervahattu H., Hongisto M., Kupiainen K., Aarnio P., Sillanpää M. ja Saarikoski S. 2002. http://honeybee.helsinki.fi/mmlym/Narvaraportti_kaikkein%20uusin.pdf

Hongisto M. Air-Sea exchange of pollutants. Invited lecture in Summer School on Air-Sea Interaction, August 28- September 1, 2006, Dynamicum, Helsinki. 66 pp.  http//www.fimr.fi

Simulation of episodic long-range transport of pollutants from Europe over the Baltic Sea. Animation for the FMI stand for the conference 'Baltic Sea and European Marine Strategy - Linking Science and Policy', held in Helsinki, 13.-15.11.2006.

F Julkinen taiteellinen ja taideteollinen toiminta
F1 Julkaistu itsenäinen taiteellinen teos

Hongisto M., 1984. Kansi ja kuvitus kirjaan Kohti omatoimisuutta, maaseudun kehittämisen käsikirja, 1984. Kristina Labbart ed. ja käännös kirjasta Towards self-reliance, a handbook on rural development, published by Woman in Church and Society, World Council of Churches. Report of African and Asian Regional Workshop for Rural Women. Naisten Kehitysapu, Yleisjäljennös, Helsinki, 91 p.

Tietokanta: Varastokirjasto - National Repository Library Nimeke: Kohti omatoimisuutta : maaseudun kehittämisen käsikirja / [käännös ja muokkaus: Kristina Labart] ; [kansi ja kuv.: Marke Hongisto] ; [julk.: Naisten kehitysapu]. Julkaistu: [Hki] : [Naisasialiitto Unioni], 1984.

Hongisto M., Käkisalmen linna, kuva maalauksesta; teoksessa Luhtala Johanna, 2005. Kuvataidetta Käkisalmesta. Käkisalmi säätiö. ISBN 952-91-8472-7

F2 Julkinen taiteellinen teoksen osatoteutus

Osallistuminen videon: Understanding the Baltic Sea Ecosystem, BASYS – Baltic Sea System Study (1996-1999), laatimiseen.  Teimme siihen ohjaaja Christoph Zuelickelle mm. malli-animaatioita. Video on lainattavissa minulta

F3 Julkinen taiteellinen esitys tai näyttely

yhteisnäyttelyitä taiteilijaseura Deinekan näyttelyissä vv. 1983-1990 sekä joissain Helsingin työväenopiston näyttelyissä vv. 1983 lähtien. Opiskelin 1.5 vuotta Helsingi yliopiston piirustuslaitoksella alkaen n. 1983, mutta en muista pidettiinkö oppilastöiden näyttelyä.

Yhteisnäyttely, Marke Hongisto, Pekka Hongisto, Keijo Gustafsson, Galleria Uspenski, 1987

Yhteisnäyttelyt Suomen Koivisto Seuran kesänäyttelyissä Porvoo 2008, Paimio 2009, Mäntsälä 2010, Lahti 2011, Helsinki 2012, Karhula (Kotka) 2013, Porvoo 2015, (2016 ei näyttelyä, juhlat Koivistolla), Lahti, 2017, Helsinki 2018, Kotka 2019

Yhteisnäyttely Koivistolaisia Kuvia, Galleria Apponen, Mäntsälä 3-8.8 2010. Aila Seppä (työt 1-3), Hilkka Kanervikko (4-6, 43-47), Ritva Salonen (7), Marke Hongisto (8-29), Leena Airaksinen (30-42), Jertta Ratia (48-54), Timo Airaksinen (56)

yksityisnäyttely: Onnen Maa. Lauttasaaren kirkkokahvila, 5-31.8.2014

yksityisnäyttely: Heinola Lintutarha 1.10-30.11.2014

Itä-Helsingin taideseuran näyttelyt syksy 2018 STOA, kevät 2019 Kaapeli

F4 Tuotantoon/hyödyntämiseen otettu malli tai suunnitelma

Olen kehittänyt mallin Hilatar, joka kattaa Euroopan ja läheiset merialueet n. 15 km:n ja Itämeren ympäristöinen n. 7 km:n alueellisella tarkkuudella, ulottuen n. 5-10 km:n korkeudelle vertikaalisesti. Malli on Eulerilainen kolmiulotteinen kuljetus- ja kemiamalli, joka simuloi hilaruuduissa sijaitsevien ilman epäpuhtauspäästöjen leviämisen ilmakehässä, kemiallisen muuntuman kulkeutumisen aikana sekä laskeutumisen eri pinnoille. Mallin tuloksia on käytetty metsän- ja merentutkimuksessa erilaisissa ilman saasteiden vaikutus- ja Itämeren rehevöitymistutkimuksissa. Mallin tulokset kuuluvat Ilmatieteen laitoksen avoimeen tietopalveluiden piiriin, ja ne tullaan keväällä 2014 viemään avoin data palvelun portaalin kautta yleisesti saataville.

Lisäksi Hilatar-mallilla ja sen edeltäjällä Finox-mallilla laskettuja yksikköpäästömatriiseja on käytetty rakennettaessa Suomen Ympäristökeskuksen happamoitumismallia (Syri, e.a., 1998; Kangas & Syri, 2002). Mikael Sofiev on myös kehittänyt Hilatar-mallista pc-pohjaisen raskasmetallien leviämismallin, ja Hilatar malli on ollut käytössä myös Silam-mallia kehitettäessä.

Kangas L. & Syri S., 2002. Regional nitrogen deposition model for integrated assessment of acidification and eutrophication. Atm. Environ., 36, p. 1111-1122

Syri S., Johansson M. and Kangas L., 1998. Application of nitrogen transfer matrixes for integrated assessment. Atm. Environ. 32 No 3, 409-413.

G Opinnäytteet
G1 Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto, kandidaatintutkinto
G2 Pro gradu, diplomityö, ylempi amk-opinnäytetyö

Reinikainen M., 1981. Suomen energiatalouden monitavoitteinen optimointimalli, diplomityö, Teknillinen Korkeakoulu. 104 s.

G3 Lisensiaatintyö

Hongisto M., 1985. Pitkän tähtäimen energiataloudellisia tarkasteluja Kansallisen energiantuotanto-systeemin optimointimallilla. Teknillinen korkeakoulu, teknillisen fysiikan osasto, lisensiaattityö. 125 s.

G4 Monografiaväitöskirja
G5 Artikkeliväitöskirja

Hongisto M., 2003. Modelling of the transport of nitrogen and sulphur contaminants to the Baltic Sea Region.

Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science in Technology to be presented with due permission of the Department of Engineering Physics and Mathematics, Helsinki University of Technology for public examination and debate in Auditorium F1 at Helsinki University of Technology (Espoo, Finland) on the 9th of May, 2003, at 12 noon.

FMI Contributions No- 40, Helsinki 2003, 188 p.


ohjaaja tutkimusprofessori Sylvain Joffre

tarkastajat: professori Hannu Savijärvi ja tutkimusprofessori Ilkka Savolainen